Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Road Trip With The Kiddos

After Aaron finished BCT he left for Fort Sam Houston and we were back in Florida. Once the hubby got there they considered him prior service because of his 4 years in the Navy so he did not have to stay in the barracks. Conner was finishing up the school year so it seemed like the perfect timing to take a road trip with the kids to Texas. I knew that of course since it was just the kids and myself I needed to be prepared. I had a box of DVDs next to me at all times to make sure they didn't get bored, toys surrounding them, snack food and sippy cups pre-filled with their drinks in case they dropped one or drank it all. I wanted to do whatever it took to make this trip as easy as possible. To be honest I was kinda scared to go on a long trip with them.

On the Way to Mississippi
M-I crooked letter
Crooked letter I
Crooked Letter
Crooked letter I
Humpback humpback I

Our first stop along the way to San Antonio was in Biloxi, MS. Since I had made a few road trips to Biloxi with either my husband or my family when I was younger, I knew that Conner would get a kick out of the tunnel you drive through in Mobile, AL called George Wallace Tunnel. It actually goes beneath the Mobile River. I know I always found it to be amazing since it's the only tunnel I have ever been though. Like me my son thought it was the coolest thing EVER! In fact he asked if I would turn around and do it again. We made it to MS safely and no issues. In fact Alyssa slept most of the way and Conner watched DVDs and got excited at little things I showed him. The next morning after when we were leaving the hotel the Conversation with Conner went like this:

Conner: Mommy, when are we getting to Mississippi?
Me: Conner we are in Mississippi
Conner: No you silly Mommy we are in a building

I couldn't help but laugh. I then had to explain yes we are in a building but the building was in the state of Mississippi. He for some reason fell in love with that state. I think it's because his daddy is from there. So on the road we go again, next stop SAN ANTONIO, TX. 

Don't Mess With Texas!

OK so I'm guessing that either Florida has a completely different style of designing freeway over passes or Texas does. I was so confused when I reached Houston Texas. Never in my life had I ever seen anything like that. The traffic, the signs, big buildings and twisting and turns of all these intertwined roads. I felt like I was about to have a anxiety attack between my now antsy children and the confusion. 

This is how I felt. Thanks Hock for designing what Houston seemed like to me.    

Finally I make it to San Antonio where I once again get lost. Go figure. Needless to say I didn't have the nicest things to say to the Texas roads.  To Be Continued.....

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